Hello friend! Here I will tell you a fairtale for kids, but I guess also the big ones will like it! First in Spanish, later in English and finally in Chinese.
Hola jugo-azuleño!! Hoy te platicare una fabula ya muy conocida pero que seguramente te gustara. Primero la escribire en español, luego ingles y por ultimo en chino. Si estas practicando cualquiera de estos idiomas te servira!
Había una vez un pequeño pastor que se pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo cuidando sus ovejas y, como muchas veces se aburria mientras las veía pastar, pensaba qué hacer para divertirse
Un día, decidió que sería buena idea divertirse a costa de la gente del pueblo que había en los alrededores. Se acercó y empezó a gritar:
– ¡Socorro! ¡El lobo! ¡Qué viene el lobo!
La gente del pueblo cogió lo que tenía a mano y corriendo fueron a ayudar al pobre pastorcito que pedía auxilio, pero cuando llegaron, descubrieron que todo había sido una broma pesada del pastor. Y se enojaron.
Cuando se habían ido, al pastor le hizo tanta gracia la broma que pensó en repetirla. Y cuando vió a la gente suficientemente lejos, volvió a gritar:
– ¡Socorro! ¡El lobo! ¡Qué viene el lobo!
Las pobladores, al volverlo a oír, empezaron a correr otra vez pensando que esta vez se había presentado el lobo, y realmente les estaba pidiendo ayuda. Pero al llegar donde estaba el pastor, se lo encontraron por los suelos, riendo al ver como los aldeanos habían vuelto a auxiliarlo. Esta vez los aldeanos se enfadaron aún más, y se marcharon terriblemente enojados.
A la mañana siguiente, el pastor volvió a pastar con sus ovejas en el mismo campo. Aún reía cuando recordaba correr a los aldeanos. Pero no contó que, ese mismo día, si vió acercarse el lobo. El miedo le invadió el cuerpo y, al ver que se acercaba cada vez más, empezó a gritar:
– ¡Socorro! ¡El lobo! ¡Qué viene el lobo! ¡Se va a comer todas mis ovejas! ¡Auxilio!
Pero esta vez los aldeanos, habiendo aprendido la lección el día anterior, hicieron oídos sordos.
El pastorcillo vió como el lobo se abalanzaba sobre sus ovejas, y chilló cada vez más desesperado:
– ¡Socorro! ¡El lobo! ¡El lobo! – pero los aldeanos continuaron sin hacer caso.
Es así, como el pastorcillo vió como el lobo se comía unas cuantas ovejas y se llevaba otras para la cena, sin poder hacer nada. Y se arrepintió en lo más profundo de la broma que hizo el día anterior.
Once upon a time there was a little shepherd who spent most of his time walking and taking care of his sheep in the field of a small village. Every morning, very early, he always did the same. He used to go to the meadow with his flock and that was how he spent his timeMany times, while he watched his sheep graze, he thought about the things he could do to amuse himself. Since many times he used to get bored, one day, while he was resting under a tree, he had an idea. He decided that he would spend a good time amusing himself at the people from the village’s expense. He started to cry!
- Help, the wolf! The wolf is coming!
The village’s people took anything they had at hand and went to help the poor shepherd but when they arrived there, they discovered that everything had been a practical joke from the shepherd, who was cracking up laughing. The villagers got angry and decided to go back to their homes.
When they had gone, the shepherd had found the joke so funny that he repeated it. And when he saw people far enough he started crying
- Help, the wolf! The wolf is coming!
People, hearing it again, started to run quickly thinking that this time the fierce wolf had appeared and that the shepherd really needed their help. But when they arrived where the shepherd was, they found him in the ground laughing at seeing how the villagers had come back to help him.
This time the villagers got angrier and they left terribly angry with the shepherd’s bad attitude and upset with the situation.
The next morning, while the shepherd was grazing with his sheep in the same place he still laughed when he remembered what had happened the previous day and he was not feeling remorse at all, But he did not notice that a wolf was approaching. When he turned and saw it, the fear invaded his body.
Seeing that the animal was getting nearer and nearer, he started crying desperately.
- Help, the wolf! The wolf is coming! He is going to eat all my sheep! Help!
But his cries were in vain. It was too late to convince the villagers that what he was saying was true.
The villagers, having learnt the lies of the shepherd, turned a deaf ear this time. And what happened? The shepherd saw how the wolf leaped on his sheep while he tried to ask for help one more time.
- Help, the wolf! The wolf!
But the villagers kept ignoring him, while the shepherd saw how the wolf ate some sheep and took others for his dinner, without being able to do anything.
And so, the shepherd recognized that he had been very unfair with the people of the village and, even though it was late, he regretted it and he never lied to people any more.